

llama_index.indices.loading.load_graph_from_storage(storage_context: StorageContext, root_id: str, **kwargs: Any) ComposableGraph

Load composable graph from storage context.

  • storage_context (StorageContext) -- storage context containing docstore, index store and vector store.

  • root_id (str) -- ID of the root index of the graph.

  • **kwargs -- Additional keyword args to pass to the index constructors.

llama_index.indices.loading.load_index_from_storage(storage_context: StorageContext, index_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any) BaseGPTIndex

Load index from storage context.

  • storage_context (StorageContext) -- storage context containing docstore, index store and vector store.

  • index_id (Optional[str]) -- ID of the index to load. Defaults to None, which assumes there's only a single index in the index store and load it.

  • **kwargs -- Additional keyword args to pass to the index constructors.

llama_index.indices.loading.load_indices_from_storage(storage_context: StorageContext, index_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, **kwargs: Any) List[BaseGPTIndex]

Load multiple indices from storage context

  • storage_context (StorageContext) -- storage context containing docstore, index store and vector store.

  • index_id (Optional[Sequence[str]]) -- IDs of the indices to load. Defaults to None, which loads all indices in the index store.

  • **kwargs -- Additional keyword args to pass to the index constructors.